Design internship with carnegie mellon university, June 2022 - april 2023
brand identity / layout design / Wayfinding / illustration / motion design
Diploma Ceremony Program: Master of Science in Software Management
The layout design below is now the standard program template for all diploma ceremonies: Master of Science in Software Management (MSSM), Master of Integrated Innovation for Products and Services (MIIPS) and Master of Science in Technology Ventures (MSTV).

Branded Greeting Cards

PowerPoint Refresh
Below are examples of slides from various company presentations I reformatted using the new template I designed for the CMUiii. Incorporating more colors from the brand's color palette made presentations more visually interesting. Consistent fonts and text sizing allowed for greater clarity.

Below are three GIFs I created in Adobe After Effects. The first animates their supergraphic, and the second demonstrates the stackable natures of the online certificates to add up to a master degree. The third is a Valentine's Day message for alumni of the institute.

T-Shirt Designs: Peer Mentor, Staff, and MSSM Class of '23

Admissions: Online Comms Plan
When a potential student expresses interest in the online degree program, they are sent a string of emails tailored to them. This communication plan needed redesigned in terms of layout. Original emails were too text-heavy and not visually appealing. The corresponding brand color for the online degree is blue, and adding this pop of color helped structure information, provide hierarchy, and make emails more inviting. While templating had restrictions due to the emails' CMS, the wireframes below were able to be replicated exactly.

Orientation Wayfinding: Master of Integrated Innovation for Products & Services

My co-worker Ben ready to welcome new students